The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine has published their survey report on ‘Clinical Trials Resilience’ Featured Image

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine has published their survey report on ‘Clinical Trials Resilience’

17 Dec 20

tranSrip’s Managing Partner and Vice President of The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM), Flic Gabbay, is delighted to have been a part of the FPMs survey on ‘Clinical Trials Resilience’.

The report is based on the results of a survey of FPM members and non-members and was undertaken to understand the pressures on clinical trials brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting adaptations and innovations that those working in pharmaceutical medicine have made.

“The report highlights a number of issues we have to address, in terms of future guidance to maintain standards and to adjust to reviewing evidence and quality of trials that have been hit during this period. This excerise will hopefully improve clinical trials going forward.” – Flic Gabbay

Download the report – FPM Clinical Trials Resilience Survey – Results and Report

Read the Press Release for the report – Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine publishes ‘Clinical Trials Resilience Survey’ Report

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